2018-03-14 - Chartreuse Turquoise


~8.5 mi @ ~12.2 min/mi

"Deep Turquoise?" - "Chartreuse?" - "Dark Green?" Dawn Patrol debates the color of a house on Opalacka Street as a scrawny crescent moon rises above a cotton-candy pink-and-blue horizon. Kristin sets a brisk pace for the first 5 miles. We meander through Lewinsville and discover the mysterious corner of El Dorado and El Dorado.

"Atomic oxygen!" Molly joins us mid-ramble and explains material degradation in low Earth orbit. A late commuter revs his engine and blasts out of a cul-de-sac. Temperatures near 30 and northerly breezes make hands tingle.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-04-07